At the heart of freshness

Tomato product range

Beef tomatoes

Firm and fresh

Vine tomatoes large

Slightly sweet

Vine tomatoes medium

Slightly sweet, full of flavour

Round tomatoes

Traditional tomato, full flavour

Cocktail vine tomatoes

Full flavour, versatile

Plum vine tomatoes

Plum-shaped, full flavour

Mini San Marzano vine tomatoes

Sweet, firm, bottle-shaped

Cherry vine tomatoes

Sweet and juicy

Cherry plum vine tomatoes

Plum-shaped and sweet

Mini cherry vine tomatoes

Extra sweet, glossy fruit

Mini plum vine tomatoes

Extra-sweet, oval shape, with a deep-red colour

Yellow mini cherry vine tomatoes

Crunchy and tangy

Yellow cherry tomatoes

Fresh and juicy

Red snack tomatoes

Sweet and juicy

Orange snack tomatoes

Intensely sweet

Yellow snack tomatoes

Fresh and sweet

Brown snack tomato


Green vine tomatoes

Fresh and firm

Orange vine tomatoes

Deliciously juicy with a slightly tart flavour

Yellow vine tomatoes

Deliciously juicy with a fresh taste

Sweet pepper product range
Cucumber product range
Aubergine product range

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